The convenience of easily available commercial soaps has almost forgotten the craft of handmade soaps. Commercial soaps mass machine made have more chemicals in them than one could pronounce. Often petroleum based, these chemicals are more detergent than organics.
Imagine bathing in chemicals or washing your hair in detergent shampoo. Machine manufactured soaps remove glycerin which is an essential by-product in soap making for sale, further enhancing profits. handmade soaps retain all glycerin as a rich moisturizer to ensure skin does not feel dry after bath or in an air conditioned environment. Rich moisturizing soaps condense surface moisture.
More importantly we have control in what is put into the soaps. Traditional skincare organic additives like cucumber, watermelon, vitamin E, aloe Vera, cocoa butter, beeswax, shea butter, honey and goat's milk are some examples. Save on cosmetics for natural beauty care.
Soap making is simple with melt and pour soap base in opaque or transparent just like making jelly. Melt soap base, add preferred additives, pour into soap molds and set your own designer soaps with or without fragrances. the whole process all within 30 minutes. Designer's soaps make bathing a total new experience for a soft creamy smooth feel all day long.
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