Body Odor

Here are some information on body odor

Body odor, especially those emiting from the arm pits and groin were supposed to attract the opposite gender.

But when the odor becomes offensive, it could have exactly opposite effect!

Causes of body odor:

  • Sweating

  • Bacterial infection

  • Fungal infection

  • Garlic, fish, mutton, cumin and spices in the food

  • Occlusive dressing

  • Pungent odors in the surrounding area

  • Certain diseases like diabetes, ketoacidosis etc
Reducing Body Odor: Tips

  • Wash well with soap and water after sweating & outdoor trips

  • Avoid occlusive dresses

  • Avoid offensive spices and food items

  • Drink lots of water and fresh fruit juices

  • Learn to relax: stress induces sweating and secretion of pheromones which produce body odors.

  • Use antiperspirants if you sweat more

  • If nothing works, have a full physical check up and lab investigations to find any internal causes

Source :

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